In the past 7 days
If you or someone you know has been assaulted in the last seven days, please call The Harbour Centre SARC on 0330 223 0099 to speak with a nurse for support and to discuss the options available.
You can also send an email to mailto:[email protected] monitored 9 am – 9pm Monday to Sunday.
You can also visit their website for more information
If the assault happened in the last seven days ring 999.
The police will want some information about what has happened to you and some basic details like your name and address. They will understand that you may be in distress and it is important to try and be calm so they can get help to you as quickly as possible.
A police officer will meet with you face to face as soon as possible and ask you what has happened and look at the circumstances of the assault. They will make a note of everything you say and make sure you get the right support and information quickly.
They will offer to bring you to the SARC so that we can assess your medical needs, collect any forensic medical evidence that could be used in an investigation and also provide you with on-going support from an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor through any criminal investigation.
The examination that takes place is conducted as part of the police investigation into a criminal offence. The police may also need to gather other evidence. This might come from where the assault took place. If the offender has been apprehended they may take medical evidence from them or any other relevant people or places.
The police will want to interview you in order to take a full account of what happened and under what circumstances. They will discuss this with you and you can decide if you are happy to have a video interview or provide a written statement, this usually takes place while you are at the SARC.
If the assault happened more than seven days ago, ring the Police on 101 and tell them what happened to you. They won’t need to bring you to the SARC as there will be no need for you to have a forensic medical examination but they will want to take a statement from you, either by video interview or a written statement.
If you would like to be supported by an ISVA, the officer dealing with your case will refer you into our service and we will contact you to make an appointment for the ISVA to come out and see you.
If you are aged 13 and over you don’t have to make a report to the police to access the services at the SARC, whether the assault happened recently or in the past. Call us on 01603 276381 for help & advice.
Please be aware, all cases involving children under the age of 13 have to be reported to the police.
If the assault happened within the last seven days and if you consent to a forensic medical examination please contact Mountain Healthcare on 0330 223 0099 who will arrange this for you. As a self-referral, forensic samples can be stored for up to 2 years, so if you want to make a report to the police at a later date you can do. It gives you the chance to consider your next steps.
If you would like on-going support from one of our Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA’s) we can arrange this for you.